Breeding Guide

Courtesy of Malakae

Breeding Requirements

In order to start the process of breeding two Pokemon together, there are a few things you need in order to get yourself started.

  • A Ranch Block (Replaces the Daycaare Block)

  • 1 male and 1 female pokemon in the same Egg Group.

Egg Groups

There are 14 total egg groups in Pixelmon. The only Egg Group that cannot breed at all is the Undiscovered Egg Group. Here are all the egg groups and which Pokemon are in all these egg groups. If two Pokemon are in the same Egg Group, they can be bred together.

  • Grimer

  • Muk

  • Gastly

  • Haunter

  • Gengar

  • Koffing

  • Weezing

  • Misdreavus

  • Wobbuffet

  • Slugma

  • Magcargo

  • Ralts

  • Kirlia

  • Gardevoir

  • Gulpin

  • Swalot

  • Castform

  • Shuppet

  • Banette

  • Duskull

  • Dusclops

  • Chimecho

  • Shellos

  • Gastrodon

  • Drifloon

  • Drifblim

  • Mismagius

  • Spiritomb

  • Gallade

  • Dusknoir

  • Rotom

  • Yamask

  • Cofagrigus

  • Solosis

  • Duosion

  • Reuniclus

  • Frillish

  • Jellicent

  • Tynamo

  • Eelektrik

  • Eelektross

  • Litwick

  • Lampent

  • Chandelure

  • Stunfisk

  • Phantump

  • Trevenant

  • Pumpkaboo

  • Gourgeist

  • Sandygast

  • Palossand

  • Mimikyu

  • Sinistea

  • Polteageist

  • Runerigus

  • Milcery

  • Alcremie

  • Pincurchin

  • Dreepy

  • Caterpie

  • Metapod

  • Butterfree

  • Weedle

  • Kakuna

  • Beedrill

  • Paras

  • Parasect

  • Venonat

  • Venomoth

  • Scyther

  • Pinsir

  • Ledyba

  • Ledian

  • Spinarak

  • Ariados

  • Yanma

  • Pineco

  • Forretress

  • Gligar

  • Scizor

  • Shuckle

  • Heracross

  • Wurmple

  • Silcoon

  • Beautifly

  • Cascoon

  • Dustox

  • Surskit

  • Masquerain

  • Nincada

  • Ninjask

  • Volbeat

  • Illumise

  • Trapinch

  • Vibrava

  • Flygon

  • Kricketot

  • Kricketune

  • Burmy

  • Wormadam

  • Mothim

  • Combee

  • Vespiquen

  • Skorupi

  • Drapion

  • Yanmega

  • Gliscor

  • Sewaddle

  • Swadloon

  • Leavanny

  • Venipede

  • Whirlipede

  • Scolipede

  • Dwebble

  • Crustle

  • Karrablast

  • Escavalier

  • Joltik

  • Galvantula

  • Shelmet

  • Accelgor

  • Durant

  • Larvesta

  • Volcarona

  • Scatterbug

  • Spewpa

  • Vivillon

  • Grubbin

  • Charjabug

  • Vikavolt

  • Cutiefly

  • Ribombee

  • Dewpider

  • Araquanid

  • Wimpod

  • Golisopod

  • Blipbug

  • Dottler

  • Orbeetle

  • Sizzlipede

  • Centiskorch

  • Snom

  • Frosmoth

  • Kleavor

  • Charmander

  • Charmeleon

  • Charizard

  • Ekans

  • Arbok

  • Horsea

  • Seadra

  • Magikarp

  • Gyarados

  • Dratini

  • Dragonair

  • Dragonite

  • Kingdra

  • Treecko

  • Grovyle

  • Sceptile

  • Trapinch

  • Vibrava

  • Flygon

  • Swablu

  • Altaria

  • Seviper

  • Feebas

  • Milotic

  • Bagon

  • Shelgon

  • Salamence

  • Gible

  • Gabite

  • Garchomp

  • Scraggy

  • Scrafty

  • Axew

  • Fraxure

  • Haxorus

  • Druddigon

  • Deino

  • Zweilous

  • Hydreigon

  • Skrelp

  • Dragalge

  • Helioptile

  • Heliolisk

  • Tyrunt

  • Tyrantrum

  • Goomy

  • Sliggoo

  • Goodra

  • Noibat

  • Noivern

  • Salandit

  • Salazzle

  • Turtonator

  • Drampa

  • Jangmo-o

  • Hakamo-o

  • Kommo-o

  • Applin

  • Flapple

  • Appletun

  • Silicobra

  • Sandaconda

  • Duraludon

  • Dreepy

  • Drakloak

  • Dragapult

  • Pikachu

  • Raichu

  • Clefairy

  • Clefable

  • Jigglypuff

  • Wigglytuff

  • Chansey

  • Togetic

  • Marill

  • Azumarill

  • Hoppip

  • Skiploom

  • Jumpluff

  • Snubbull

  • Granbull

  • Blissey

  • Shroomish

  • Breloom

  • Skitty

  • Delcatty

  • Mawile

  • Plusle

  • Minun

  • Roselia

  • Castform

  • Snorunt

  • Glalie

  • Roserade

  • Pachirisu

  • Cherubi

  • Cherrim

  • Togekiss

  • Froslass

  • Phione

  • Manaphy

  • Audino

  • Cottonee

  • Whimsicott

  • Flabébé

  • Floette

  • Florges

  • Spritzee

  • Aromatisse

  • Swirlix

  • Slurpuff

  • Dedenne

  • Carbink

  • Cutiefly

  • Ribombee

  • Togedemaru

  • Hatenna

  • Hattrem

  • Hatterene

  • Impidimp

  • Morgrem

  • Grimmsnarl

  • Milcery

  • Alcremie

  • Falinks

  • Indeedee

  • Morpeko

  • Rattata

  • Raticate

  • Ekans

  • Arbok

  • Pikachu

  • Raichu

  • Sandshrew

  • Sandslash

  • Nidoran♀

  • Nidoran♂

  • Nidorino

  • Nidoking

  • Vulpix

  • Ninetales

  • Diglett

  • Dugtrio

  • Meowth

  • Persian

  • Psyduck

  • Golduck

  • Mankey

  • Primeape

  • Growlithe

  • Arcanine

  • Ponyta

  • Rapidash

  • Farfetch'd

  • Seel

  • Dewgong

  • Rhyhorn

  • Rhydon

  • Tauros

  • Eevee

  • Vaporeon

  • Jolteon

  • Flareon

  • Cyndaquil

  • Quilava

  • Typhlosion

  • Sentret

  • Furret

  • Mareep

  • Flaaffy

  • Ampharos

  • Aipom

  • Wooper

  • Quagsire

  • Espeon

  • Umbreon

  • Girafarig

  • Dunsparce

  • Snubbull

  • Granbull

  • Sneasel

  • Teddiursa

  • Ursaring

  • Swinub

  • Piloswine

  • Delibird

  • Houndour

  • Houndoom

  • Phanpy

  • Donphan

  • Stantler

  • Smeargle

  • Miltank

  • Torchic

  • Combusken

  • Blaziken

  • Poochyena

  • Mightyena

  • Zigzagoon

  • Linoone

  • Seedot

  • Nuzleaf

  • Shiftry

  • Slakoth

  • Vigoroth

  • Slaking

  • Whismur

  • Loudred

  • Exploud

  • Skitty

  • Delcatty

  • Mawile

  • Electrike

  • Manectric

  • Wailmer

  • Wailord

  • Numel

  • Camerupt

  • Torkoal

  • Spoink

  • Grumpig

  • Spinda

  • Zangoose

  • Seviper

  • Kecleon

  • Absol

  • Spheal

  • Sealeo

  • Walrein

  • Chimchar

  • Monferno

  • Infernape

  • Piplup

  • Prinplup

  • Empoleon

  • Bidoof

  • Bibarel

  • Shinx

  • Luxio

  • Luxray

  • Pachirisu

  • Buizel

  • Floatzel

  • Ambipom

  • Buneary

  • Lopunny

  • Glameow

  • Purugly

  • Stunky

  • Skuntank

  • Lucario

  • Hippopotas

  • Hippowdon

  • Weavile

  • Rhyperior

  • Leafeon

  • Glaceon

  • Mamoswine

  • Snivy

  • Servine

  • Serperior

  • Tepig

  • Pignite

  • Emboar

  • Oshawott

  • Dewott

  • Samurott

  • Patrat

  • Watchog

  • Lillipup

  • Herdier

  • Stoutland

  • Purrloin

  • Liepard

  • Pansage

  • Simisage

  • Pansear

  • Simisear

  • Panpour

  • Simipour

  • Munna

  • Musharna

  • Blitzle

  • Zebstrika

  • Woobat

  • Swoobat

  • Drilbur

  • Excadrill

  • Sandile

  • Krokorok

  • Krookodile

  • Darumaka

  • Darmanitan

  • Scraggy

  • Scrafty

  • Zorua

  • Zoroark

  • Minccino

  • Cinccino

  • Deerling

  • Sawsbuck

  • Emolga

  • Cubchoo

  • Beartic

  • Mienfoo

  • Mienshao

  • Bouffalant

  • Heatmor

  • Chespin

  • Quilladin

  • Chesnaught

  • Fennekin

  • Braixen

  • Delphox

  • Bunnelby

  • Diggersby

  • Litleo

  • Pyroar

  • Skiddo

  • Gogoat

  • Pancham

  • Pangoro

  • Furfrou

  • Espurr

  • Meowstic

  • Sylveon

  • Dedenne

  • Litten

  • Torracat

  • Incineroar

  • Popplio

  • Brionne

  • Primarina

  • Yungoos

  • Gumshoos

  • Rockruff

  • Lycanroc

  • Mudbray

  • Mudsdale

  • Stufful

  • Bewear

  • Oranguru

  • Passimian

  • Komala

  • Togedemaru

  • Grookey

  • Thwackey

  • Rillaboom

  • Scorbunny

  • Raboot

  • Cinderace

  • Sobble

  • Drizzile

  • Inteleon

  • Skwovet

  • Greedent

  • Nickit

  • Thievul

  • Wooloo

  • Dubwool

  • Yamper

  • Boltund

  • Silicobra

  • Sandaconda

  • Obstagoon

  • Perrserker

  • Sirfetch'd

  • Eiscue

  • Morpeko

  • Cufant

  • Copperajah

  • Wyrdeer

  • Ursaluna

  • Sneasler

  • Sprigatito

  • Fuecoco

  • Pidgey

  • Pidgeotto

  • Pidgeot

  • Spearow

  • Fearow

  • Zubat

  • Golbat

  • Farfetch'd

  • Doduo

  • Dodrio

  • Aerodactyl

  • Hoothoot

  • Noctowl

  • Crobat

  • Togetic

  • Natu

  • Xatu

  • Murkrow

  • Skarmory

  • Taillow

  • Swellow

  • Wingull

  • Pelipper

  • Swablu

  • Altaria

  • Starly

  • Staravia

  • Staraptor

  • Honchkrow

  • Chatot

  • Togekiss

  • Pidove

  • Tranquill

  • Unfezant

  • Woobat

  • Swoobat

  • Sigilyph

  • Archen

  • Archeops

  • Ducklett

  • Swanna

  • Rufflet

  • Braviary

  • Vullaby

  • Mandibuzz

  • Fletchling

  • Fletchinder

  • Talonflame

  • Hawlucha

  • Noibat

  • Noivern

  • Rowlet

  • Dartrix

  • Decidueye

  • Pikipek

  • Trumbeak

  • Toucannon

  • Oricorio

  • Rookidee

  • Corvisquire

  • Corviknight

  • Cramorant

  • Sirfetch'd

  • Quaxly

  • Bulbasaur

  • Ivysaur

  • Venusaur

  • Oddish

  • Gloom

  • Vileplume

  • Paras

  • Parasect

  • Bellsprout

  • Weepinbell

  • Victreebel

  • Exeggcute

  • Exeggutor

  • Tangela

  • Chikorita

  • Bayleef

  • Meganium

  • Bellossom

  • Hoppip

  • Skiploom

  • Jumpluff

  • Sunkern

  • Sunflora

  • Lotad

  • Lombre

  • Ludicolo

  • Seedot

  • Nuzleaf

  • Shiftry

  • Shroomish

  • Breloom

  • Roselia

  • Cacnea

  • Cacturne

  • Tropius

  • Turtwig

  • Grotle

  • Torterra

  • Roserade

  • Cherubi

  • Cherrim

  • Carnivine

  • Snover

  • Abomasnow

  • Tangrowth

  • Snivy

  • Servine

  • Serperior

  • Cottonee

  • Whimsicott

  • Petilil

  • Lilligant

  • Maractus

  • Foongus

  • Amoonguss

  • Ferroseed

  • Ferrothorn

  • Phantump

  • Trevenant

  • Fomantis

  • Lurantis

  • Morelull

  • Shiinotic

  • Bounsweet

  • Steenee

  • Tsareena

  • Comfey

  • Grookey

  • Thwackey

  • Rillaboom

  • Gossifleur

  • Eldegoss

  • Applin

  • Flapple

  • Appletun

  • Sprigatito

  • Abra

  • Kadabra

  • Alakazam

  • Machop

  • Machoke

  • Machamp

  • Drowzee

  • Hypno

  • Hitmonlee

  • Hitmonchan

  • Mr. Mime

  • Jynx

  • Electabuzz

  • Magmar

  • Hitmontop

  • Ralts

  • Kirlia

  • Gardevoir

  • Makuhita

  • Hariyama

  • Sableye

  • Meditite

  • Medicham

  • Volbeat

  • Illumise

  • Spinda

  • Cacnea

  • Cacturne

  • Chimchar

  • Monferno

  • Infernape

  • Buneary

  • Lopunny

  • Lucario

  • Croagunk

  • Toxicroak

  • Electivire

  • Magmortar

  • Gallade

  • Timburr

  • Gurdurr

  • Conkeldurr

  • Throh

  • Sawk

  • Gothita

  • Gothorita

  • Gothitelle

  • Elgyem

  • Beheeyem

  • Mienfoo

  • Mienshao

  • Pawniard

  • Bisharp

  • Pancham

  • Pangoro

  • Hawlucha

  • Scorbunny

  • Raboot

  • Cinderace

  • Toxtricity

  • Clobbopus

  • Grapploct

  • Impidimp

  • Morgrem

  • Grimmsnarl

  • Mr. Rime

  • Geodude

  • Graveler

  • Golem

  • Magnemite

  • Magneton

  • Onix

  • Voltorb

  • Electrode

  • Porygon

  • Sudowoodo

  • Steelix

  • Porygon2

  • Shedinja

  • Nosepass

  • Lunatone

  • Solrock

  • Baltoy

  • Claydol

  • Snorunt

  • Glalie

  • Beldum

  • Metang

  • Metagross

  • Bronzor

  • Bronzong

  • Magnezone

  • Porygon-Z

  • Probopass

  • Froslass

  • Roggenrola

  • Boldore

  • Gigalith

  • Dwebble

  • Crustle

  • Yamask

  • Cofagrigus

  • Trubbish

  • Garbodor

  • Vanillite

  • Vanillish

  • Vanilluxe

  • Ferroseed

  • Ferrothorn

  • Klink

  • Klang

  • Klinklang

  • Cryogonal

  • Golett

  • Golurk

  • Honedge

  • Doublade

  • Aegislash

  • Carbink

  • Klefki

  • Bergmite

  • Avalugg

  • Minior

  • Dhelmise

  • Rolycoly

  • Carkol

  • Coalossal

  • Sinistea

  • Polteageist

  • Runerigus

  • Falinks

  • Stonjourner

  • Cufant

  • Copperajah

  • Duraludon

  • Bulbasaur

  • Ivysaur

  • Venusaur

  • Charmander

  • Charmeleon

  • Charizard

  • Squirtle

  • Wartortle

  • Blastoise

  • Nidoran♀

  • Nidoran♂

  • Nidorino

  • Nidoking

  • Slowpoke

  • Slowbro

  • Cubone

  • Marowak

  • Lickitung

  • Rhyhorn

  • Rhydon

  • Kangaskhan

  • Lapras

  • Snorlax

  • Chikorita

  • Bayleef

  • Meganium

  • Totodile

  • Croconaw

  • Feraligatr

  • Mareep

  • Flaaffy

  • Ampharos

  • Slowking

  • Larvitar

  • Pupitar

  • Tyranitar

  • Treecko

  • Grovyle

  • Sceptile

  • Mudkip

  • Marshtomp

  • Swampert

  • Whismur

  • Loudred

  • Exploud

  • Aron

  • Lairon

  • Aggron

  • Tropius

  • Turtwig

  • Grotle

  • Torterra

  • Cranidos

  • Rampardos

  • Shieldon

  • Bastiodon

  • Gible

  • Gabite

  • Garchomp

  • Snover

  • Abomasnow

  • Lickilicky

  • Rhyperior

  • Axew

  • Fraxure

  • Haxorus

  • Druddigon

  • Helioptile

  • Heliolisk

  • Tyrunt

  • Tyrantrum

  • Amaura

  • Aurorus

  • Bergmite

  • Avalugg

  • Salandit

  • Salazzle

  • Turtonator

  • Drampa

  • Chewtle

  • Drednaw

  • Nidorina

  • Nidoqueen

  • Articuno

  • Zapdos

  • Moltres

  • Mewtwo

  • Mew

  • Pichu

  • Cleffa

  • Igglybuff

  • Togepi

  • Unown

  • Tyrogue

  • Smoochum

  • Elekid

  • Magby

  • Raikou

  • Entei

  • Suicune

  • Lugia

  • Ho-Oh

  • Celebi

  • Azurill

  • Wynaut

  • Regirock

  • Regice

  • Registeel

  • Latias

  • Latios

  • Kyogre

  • Groudon

  • Rayquaza

  • Jirachi

  • Deoxys

  • Budew

  • Chingling

  • Bonsly

  • Mime Jr.

  • Happiny

  • Munchlax

  • Riolu

  • Mantyke

  • Uxie

  • Mesprit

  • Azelf

  • Dialga

  • Palkia

  • Heatran

  • Regigigas

  • Giratina

  • Cresselia

  • Darkrai

  • Shaymin

  • Arceus

  • Victini

  • Cobalion

  • Terrakion

  • Virizion

  • Tornadus

  • Thundurus

  • Reshiram

  • Zekrom

  • Landorus

  • Kyurem

  • Keldeo

  • Meloetta

  • Genesect

  • Ash-Greninja

  • Eternal-Floette

  • Xerneas

  • Yveltal

  • Zygarde

  • Diancie

  • Hoopa

  • Volcanion

  • Type: Null

  • Silvally

  • Tapu Koko

  • Tapu Lele

  • Tapu Bulu

  • Tapu Fini

  • Cosmog

  • Cosmoem

  • Solgaleo

  • Lunala

  • Nihilego

  • Buzzwole

  • Pheromosa

  • Xurkitree

  • Celesteela

  • Kartana

  • Guzzlord

  • Necrozma

  • Magearna

  • Marshadow

  • Poipole

  • Naganadel

  • Stakataka

  • Blacephalon

  • Zeraora

  • Meltan

  • Melmetal

  • Toxel

  • Dracozolt

  • Arctozolt

  • Dracovish

  • Arctovish

  • Zacian

  • Zamazenta

  • Eternatus

  • Kubfu

  • Urshifu

  • Zarude

  • Regieleki

  • Regidrago

  • Glastrier

  • Spectrier

  • Calyrex

  • Enamorus

Water (1)
  • Squirtle

  • Wartortle

  • Blastoise

  • Psyduck

  • Golduck

  • Poliwag

  • Poliwhirl

  • Poliwrath

  • Slowpoke

  • Slowbro

  • Seel

  • Dewgong

  • Horsea

  • Seadra

  • Lapras

  • Omanyte

  • Omastar

  • Kabuto

  • Kabutops

  • Dratini

  • Dragonair

  • Dragonite

  • Totodile

  • Croconaw

  • Feraligatr

  • Marill

  • Azumarill

  • Politoed

  • Wooper

  • Quagsire

  • Slowking

  • Corsola

  • Remoraid

  • Octillery

  • Delibird

  • Mantine

  • Kingdra

  • Mudkip

  • Marshtomp

  • Swampert

  • Lotad

  • Lombre

  • Ludicolo

  • Wingull

  • Pelipper

  • Surskit

  • Masquerain

  • Corphish

  • Crawdaunt

  • Feebas

  • Milotic

  • Spheal

  • Sealeo

  • Walrein

  • Clamperl

  • Huntail

  • Gorebyss

  • Relicanth

  • Piplup

  • Prinplup

  • Empoleon

  • Bidoof

  • Bibarel

  • Buizel

  • Floatzel

  • Shellos

  • Gastrodon

  • Phione

  • Manaphy

  • Tympole

  • Palpitoad

  • Seismitoad

  • Tirtouga

  • Carracosta

  • Ducklett

  • Swanna

  • Alomomola

  • Stunfisk

  • Froakie

  • Frogadier

  • Greninja

  • Inkay

  • Malamar

  • Skrelp

  • Dragalge

  • Clauncher

  • Clawitzer

  • Popplio

  • Brionne

  • Primarina

  • Mareanie

  • Toxapex

  • Dewpider

  • Araquanid

  • Pyukumuku

  • Sobble

  • Drizzile

  • Inteleon

  • Chewtle

  • Drednaw

  • Cramorant

  • Clobbopus

  • Grapploct

  • Cursola

  • Pincurchin

  • Eiscue

  • Quaxly

Water (2)
  • Goldeen

  • Seaking

  • Magikarp

  • Gyarados

  • Chinchou

  • Lanturn

  • Qwilfish

  • Remoraid

  • Octillery

  • Carvanha

  • Sharpedo

  • Wailmer

  • Wailord

  • Barboach

  • Whiscash

  • Relicanth

  • Luvdisc

  • Finneon

  • Lumineon

  • Basculin

  • Alomomola

  • Inkay

  • Malamar

  • Wishiwashi

  • Bruxish

  • Arrokuda

  • Barraskewda

  • Basculegion

Water (3)
  • Tentacool

  • Tentacruel

  • Shellder

  • Cloyster

  • Krabby

  • Kingler

  • Staryu

  • Starmie

  • Omanyte

  • Omastar

  • Kabuto

  • Kabutops

  • Corsola

  • Corphish

  • Crawdaunt

  • Lileep

  • Cradily

  • Anorith

  • Armaldo

  • Skorupi

  • Drapion

  • Tirtouga

  • Carracosta

  • Archen

  • Archeops

  • Binacle

  • Barbaracle

  • Clauncher

  • Clawitzer

  • Crabrawler

  • Crabominable

  • Wimpod

  • Golisopod


Specific types have specific block requirements that need to be placed within their environment in order for them to breed. You can expand the size of the breeding environment 3 times in each direction using a Ranch Upgrade. The list of blocks needed can be found here.

Normal Type
  • Cake

  • Dirt

  • Fence

  • Grass Block

  • Stone

  • Wool

Fire Type
  • Fire

  • Lava

  • Netherrack

  • Stone

  • Torch

  • Wood

Water Type
  • Water

  • Lily Pad

  • Sponge

  • Sugar Cane

  • Water Stone Ore

  • Sea Lantern

Electric Type
  • Activator Rail

  • PC

  • Redstone Block

  • Rail

  • Redstone Lamp

  • Redstone Ore

Grass Type
  • Carrot

  • Fern

  • Grass

  • Grass Block

  • Hay Bale

  • Jack o'Lantern

  • Melon

  • Moss Rock

  • Pumpkin

  • Shrub

Ice Type
  • Ice

  • Packed Ice

  • Snow Block

  • Ice Rock

  • Snow layer

Fairy Type
  • Cake

  • Carpet

  • Glowstone

  • Wool

Fighting Type
  • Stone Bricks

  • Chiseled Stone Bricks

  • Cracked Stone Bricks

  • Mossy Stone Bricks

  • Anvil

  • Brick Stairs

  • Bricks

  • Gravel

  • Stone Bricks

  • Temple Brick

  • Temple Brick Stairs

Poison Type
  • Brewing Stand

  • Cobweb

  • Grass Block

  • Mushroom Block

  • Mycelium

  • Sponge

Ground Type
  • Sandstone

  • Sand

  • Bedrock

  • Cactus

  • Clay

  • Hardened Clay

  • Soul Sand

  • Stained Hardened Clay

Flying Type
  • Beacon

  • Dispencer

  • Glass

  • Grass Block

  • Jukebox

  • Note Block

  • Stained Glass

  • Stained Glass Pane

Psychic Type
  • Enchantment Table

  • Diamond Block

  • Quartz

  • Emerald Block

  • Bookshelf

  • Carpet

  • Sign

Bug Type
  • Grass Block

  • Leaves

  • Wood

  • Flower

  • Flower Pot

  • Mushroom Block

  • Mushroom

Rock Type
  • Stone

  • Cobblestone

  • Bedrock

  • Block of Coal

  • End Stone

  • Fossil

  • Furnace

  • Torch

Ghost Type
  • Bed

  • Emerald Block

  • Bookshelf

  • Carpet

  • Cobweb

  • Iron Bars

  • Jukebox

  • Mob Head

  • Moss Stone

  • Mycelium

Dragon Type
  • End Stone

  • Glowstone

  • Dragon Egg

  • Enchantment Table

  • Stone

  • Diamond Block

  • Emerald Block

  • Gold Block

Dark Type
  • Obsidian

  • Nether Brick

  • Coal Block

  • Cobweb

  • Mobhead

  • Sand

  • Soul Sand

Steel Type
  • Iron Block

  • Iron Bars

  • Gold Block

  • Detector Rail

  • Iron Door

  • Piston

  • Raail

  • Stone


There are certain items that can be used when breeding to pass certain traits down to the offspring.

  • Destiny Knot will pass down 5 IVs from the parent holding it instead of 3.

  • Everstone will let the offspring keep the Nature as well as a Regional Form.

  • Mirror Herb When held by a Pokemon that has an empty move slot, the offspring will learn the egg move of the other pokemon. This does not require compatible Pokemon.

  • Any Power Items will pass down it’s respective IVs (example: Power Weight will pass down HP IV)


There are certain things that the offspring has a chance to inherit. By default it will inherit 3 IV stats from the parents, those of which do not overlap.

An offspring can also inherit a certain Pokeball. If they are the same species, it’s a 50/50 chance as to what Pokeball the offspring will get. If they are not the same species, it will inherit the Pokeball of the mother (unless it’s a Master or Cherish ball).

Growth is also inherited from parents, whatever is between the two growths of the parent Pokemon, with a bit of random variation thrown in.

Abilities by default have an 80% chance of passing down from the mother unless it’s a Hidden Ability, which is a 60% chance of being passed down. If there is no Hidden Ability present, there is a 1/150 chance of the offspring having a Hidden Ability.

Baby Pokemon

  • Chansey, Blissey→Happiny: Luck Incense

  • Chimecho→Chingling: Pure Incense

  • Mantine→Mantyke: Wave Incense

  • Marill, Azumarill→Azurill: Sea Incense

  • Mr. Mime→Mime Jr.: Odd Incense

  • Roselia, Roserade→Budew: Rose Incense

  • Snorlax→Munchlax: Full Incense

  • Sudowoodo→Bonsly: Rock Incense

  • Wobbuffet→Wynaut: Lax Incense

Certain Pokemon require incense in order to breed the baby pokemon; without it one will not be produced.

Egg Moves

If the parents have certain moves, there is a chance the offspring can learn them. Majority of these moves are exclusive to being Egg Moves and therefore cannot be obtained without breeding. If either parent knows species-specific "Egg moves", their offspring will inherit them, as these moves are exclusive. If the father knows TM or HM moves, the offspring can inherit them if they're learnable by TM/HM. If both parents share moves from the offspring's level-up movepool, the offspring may learn moves earlier than usual.

If more than 4 of the moves from the parents meet those criteria, they will be chosen in a hierarchy, Egg Moves taking that priority.


You can use Copper and Silver Hourglasses to speed up the breeding process. The Copper Hourglass can be used to skip one breeding stage for one Pokemon and the Silver can be used to skip two stages for the pokemon need to produce an egg.


Once the Pokemon have bred, you can put the egg in your party and start walking around to hatch the egg. Different eggs will take different amount of steps in order to hatch (you can see how many steps are left with /eggsteps ). If you have a Pokemon in your party with Flame Body, Magma Armor or Steam Engine as an ability it will allow you to hatch your Pokemon twice as fast.

Last updated